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Pianos, not pills!

Pianos, Not Pills!

I have always known that singing or playing a musical instrument is therapeutic, both physically and emotionally. As a choral director, I’ve commonly received calls from singers telling me that they are too stressed out or exhausted to make it to a rehearsal, to which I always reply that this moment is the worst time to skip a rehearsal. It’s like somebody skipping a prescribed antibiotic because they don’t feel well.

Supporting my own thoughts on the subject, British Health Secretary Matt Hancock unveiled a new initiative that will enable physicians to prescribe art and hobby-based treatments for a wide assortment of medical ailments. And Canada has already embarked on a similar endeavor. Physicians there may issue up to 50 prescriptions for a free tour of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.

Under the circumstances, I don’t think I’ll wait for the Surgeon General to announce a new U.S. healthcare initiative. Any physicians in the greater Susanville area that want to issue a prescription to have a patient attend a Susanville Choral Society concert, or to join the Choral Society are welcome to do so free of charge!

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